Description of the Research Infrastructure
The Swedish NMR Centre at the University of Gothenburg is a national and international research infrastructure situated on the Swedish West Coast. We provides access to state-of-the-art NMR spectrometers in the areas of material science, biomolecules, metabolomics, organic chemistry and chemical biology. With magnetic fields ranging from 400 MHz DNP-NMR instruments to 900 MHz NMR spectrometers we offer open access and expert support to researchers and users from academia, authorities and industry.
University of Gothenburg is with its eight faculties the most wide-ranging and versatile university in Sweden and among the largest universities in Northern Europe. University of Gothenburg is an active international university engaged in collaborative projects and partnerships all over the world. In FP7, UGOT participated in approximately 180 projects, both as a coordinator and a partner and has to date become beneficiary in over 100 projects in H2020.
Access the Swedish NMR Centre website.
NMR methods development is in focus at the Swedish NMR Centre, specifically techniques for non-uniform data acquisition, and processing (NUS). The NUS methodology has been incorporated in the regular software for NMR spectrometer operation (TopSpin) provided by Bruker. The Swedish NMR Centre has recently entered a collaborative research project with AstraZeneca (PI Dr. Staffan Schantz) with a special focus on MAS DNP-NMR applications in pharmaceutical science.
Spectrometers open to access
The DNP-NMR system comprises a 400 MHz wide-bore magnet with a water cooled 263 GHz gyrotron and a 3.2 mm HXY-probe, for up to 15 kHz MAS. The probe can be tuned to accommodate the most widely used nuclear pair combinations for bio- and materials science, i.e. (13C/15N, 31P/13C, 27Al/29Si, 11B/29Si and 29Si/15N).
Meet the team !

Director of the Swedish NMR Centre / Platform manager

Ulrika BRATH
Research scientist

Research scientist